Capacity Building for Low-carbon and Climate Resilient City Development in India
Today, cities account for approximately two-thirds of global energy use and over 70 percent of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that drive global climate change. India is the fourth largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world and with the accompanying rapid urbanisation, there is an urgent need for climate action especially across its 4000 plus urban centres. Old and new cities across India are facing immense pressure due to ever-rising demand for energy, infrastructure and services. This will be further accentuated by the growing risks caused by climate variability and change, which are most likely to greatly affect the poor and vulnerable segments of the city populations the most. In view of this, the cities need to come up with integrated plans and solutions for dealing with the combined challenges of urban growth, poverty and climate change risks and move towards low emission, climate resilient and sustainable urban development.
The Capacity Building for Low-carbon and Climate Resilient City Development project (CapaCITIES), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) Global Programme Climate Change and Environment, is directly responding to the Government of India’s objective of developing “Climate-Smart Cities”. After the successful implementation of the first phase (2016-19), the project, in its second phase (2019-23), is focusing on enhancing the capacity of 8 Indian cities and replicating it across 2 select states. The project is working towards mainstreaming climate action in urban development through adoption of integrated climate-resilient planning, design innovative finance mechanisms and development of climate-resilient infrastructure. The project is bringing together Indo-Swiss in the sectors of water, waste and transport to demonstrate scalable solutions of urban climate action in India, with a global relevance.
2/3 of the Global Energy
Cities in general consume two-thirds of the global energy.
70% of GHG Emissions
Cities account for over 70 percent of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that drive global climate change.
4th Largest Emitter of GHG
India is the fourth largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world and with the accompanying rapid urbanization.
Climate Action Planning in Cities
There is an urgent need for climate action especially across its 4000 plus urban centers.
Program at a glance
Phase 1
Phase 2
Implementation Partners
Consortium of South Pole Carbon Management Ltd., ICLEI South Asia and econcept , NIUA.
Implementation Partners
Consortium of South Pole Carbon Management Ltd., ICLEI South Asia and econcept , NIUA.
Public Sector Partners
Municipal Corporations and city-level authorities of Coimbatore, Rajkot, Siliguri Udaipur, Tirunelveli.
Public Sector Partners
Municipal Corporations and city-level authorities of Coimbatore, Rajkot, Siliguri Udaipur, Tirunelveli, Tiruchirapalli, Vadodara, Ahmedabad.
Geographic Focus
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), Rajkot (Gujarat), Siliguri (West Bengal) and Udaipur (Rajasthan).
Geographic Focus
Coimbatore, Tirunelveli, Tiruchirapalli (Tamil Nadu), Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Rajkot (Gujarat), Siliguri (West Bengal), and Udaipur (Rajasthan).
Primary Objectives
Capacities of city authorities in four partner cities to plan and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation measures enhanced.
City-level climate change mitigation measures for priority sectors initiated.
City-level climate change adaptation measures for priority sectors initiated.
Awareness on low carbon and climate resilient city development increased in India and other countries.
Primary Objectives
City and state governments integrate climate change aspects (adaptation and mitigation) into urban planning and implementation.
Enhanced capacities of city and state governments to access finance for scaled up urban climate action.
Enhanced knowledge on accelerating city climate action at the national and global level.
Project Outcomes
Outcome 1 :
The project is supporting city and state governments to integrate climate change aspects (adaptation and mitigation) into urban planning and implementation.
Outcome 2 :
Project will enhance capacities of city and state governments to access finance for scaling up urban climate actions.
Outcome 3 :
Project will enhance knowledge on accelerating city climate action at the national and global level through its knowledge sharing and peer learning activities.