SUNYA Pilot presented at the Converging SBM (Urban) and NULM for Clean Cities Workshop

The Converging SBM (Urban) and NULM for Clean Cities Workshop, held on 7th February at Jaipur, was conducted by the Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, Mumbai (RCUES) – All India Institute of Local Self-Government (AIILSG) and supported by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), GOI.

AIILSG selected the SUNYA pilot as a best practice to promote urban livelihood through various activities under the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and invited the project team to give a presentation. Bhupandra Salodia, CapaCITIES’ city staff from Udaipur, presented the SUNYA Pilot and spoke on the theme of ‘Good Practices in SBM (U) & NULM Convergence and Sustainability’.

The Project Director, National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) and Local Self Government, Commissioner of Ratangarh Nagar Parishad, officials from DLB, municipalities and district coordinators of NULM from Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat attended this capacity building session.

Under the CapaCITIES project, the Udaipur Municipal Corporation (UMC) and Udaipur Smart City Limited (USCL), have prioritized the Solid Waste Management (SWM) sector and are working on developmental programs to improve the status-quo following the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSW) rules 2016.  In this regard, the city administration, with support from CapaCITIES team, selected ward number 1 & 41 for a pilot demonstration for the same.